Having good traffic is extremely important to your websites ranking. You don't want to buy traffic that makes it look like you are getting lots of customers coming to your website but they don't purchase anything. You want the customers to come to your site and like what they see and buy your brand or product. Increase Alexa or get targeted traffic that is relevant to your product. Getting GEO targeted traffic to the USA, Canada, Uk, Europe and many more can also help your rankings.
Another way to get more traffic is through email marketing. Sending thousands of emails weekly or monthly about your brand or product will increase the traffic and this will be good organic traffic with interested customers that want to purchase from you. With email marketing you can send specials, discounts, new products, future sales and just about anything you can thing of to offer. Emailing can be a good way to gain more connections and increase revenues.
Get started and watch your traffic increase!!!